While I agree that MOST of the pua concepts out there are complete crap and very dangerous, I strongly disagree with those who say that you cannot learn anything from pickup.
These are the most useful to me:
David X Rules.
Screening mindset when talking to women.
Those are simple and healthy concepts that helped me a lot.
Compare this:
with this faggotry:
PLOWING was good for me and staying UNREACTIVE. I would usually eject on the first sour face I got from the girl. Now I plow for a few minutes and just ignore the sour face. The girl softens 90% of the times, the interaction moves forward for real about 60% of the time.
I have to mention though that staying unreactive doesn't mean me and the girl are bumping heads and I stay stronger and win. It means I as if don't see her resistance at all, I am completely mellow as if she's all smiles. It just melts away their resistance, they get sucked into this 'there's no struggle here' attitude.
By "AMOG", you mean if any of these pussies tried to shoehorn themselves into any conversation I was with, I would tell them to get lost. If they gave me any lip or didn't leave, I would break their fuckin nose.
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And that would get you laid?
Alpha males are insecure, egotistical have low self esteem and hate themselves, others... and life.
Something carlos xuma said that i actually remembered was that theres a huge difference between an alpha male and a alpha man. Alpha man is in control of his emotions, can stay cool calm and confident. Alpha male picks fights with random people and everyone hates him, has boundry issues (thank you doctor paul) and is just plain gay.
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Dominant yes, cruel/evil (as was suggested in another thread today) no.
As I wrote in that thread the biggest confusion in guys' heads is that being good = submissive and being dominant = being purely evil.
Not so! Girls definitely don't see it this way.
I think probably "attraction is not a choice" was one of the biggest things for me. Made shit really click, and made me realize that if I'm doing things to attract girls, just figure out what it is and keep doing it.
i.e. before the community I became a raging faggot a few months into a relationship. Which was usually when the relationship would suddenly start to disintegrate and the girl would become uninterested in me. Which I usually took as the time to become an even worse faggot and do outlandish shit to "prove my love." And yeah... Things got even worse.
Attraction is not a choice made me realize that all the things I had done in the beginning were probably right, and in the future to just work on staying the same no matter what.
Other than that, cocky funny has been huge for me. Pretty much the main thing I do is talk shit to girls and never budge.
Peacocking is legit to a certain extent if you don't start wearing light shirts, painting your nails, and wearing fuzzy hats and 7 pairs of goggles.